Functional Testing—Options for Testing in Clinic

Functional testing is an integral part of my clinical practice, allowing me to dig deep and uncover the root cause of health concerns and conditions. From comprehensive stool testing to cortisol testing, hormone investigations, and food intolerance testing, to name a few, we have an array of options available in Australia to assist in the diagnosis and treatment of a vast number of health complaints. Read on to explore some of the functional tests I routinely use in the clinic.

Gut Testing

Investigating your gut health via a stool sample or breath test can give us invaluable information into not only your digestive health, but also provide insights into your nutrient absorption, hormone metabolism pathways, inflammation levels and even mental health. Chronic digestive symptoms like bloating, changed bowel habits, indigestion; low iron levels that don’t improve with iron supplementation; skin conditions ranging from acne to rosacea; chronic brain fog and poor energy; hormonal conditions like endometriosis and PCOS – these are all examples of when stool testing may be discussed with clients to really dig deep on their health and unpack the root cause. Some of the gut tests I use routinely in clinic via private functional labs include:

  • SIBO Breath Test
  • pylori Breath Test
  • Complete Microbiome Mapping Stool Test
  • Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis
  • Faecal Calprotectin Testing
  • Candida Stool Testing
  • Parasitology PCR Stool Testing
  • Coeliac Screening (via stool and/or blood tests)

Hormone Testing

Hormone testing is one of the most common avenues of testing I use in clinic, supporting women every day with hormonal complaints ranging from PMS, PMDD, PCOS, endometriosis, adenomyosis, thyroid conditions, preconception health, perimenopause and even for those women with a family history of oestrogen-dependent cancers, working on prevention and optimising health. Hormone testing can be done via serum, saliva and urine samples, depending on what we’re investigating and the type of test we use. When it comes to hormones and your menstrual cycle, timing of when the test is done is important, so we get the most accurate picture of your hormone status. This will always be discussed with you in consultation, so you are clear on when to test! Common hormones I look at include:

  • FSH, LH, Oestrogen, Progesterone
  • Prolactin
  • AMH
  • Free & Total Testosterone
  • Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG)
  • Free Androgen Index (FAI)
  • Thyroid hormones
  • Insulin
  • Oestrogen metabolites
  • Dutch Hormone Test

Food Intolerance Testing

Elimination diets are not easy to follow, and when I’m investigating the root cause behind common conditions such as eczema, adenoid and/or tonsil hypertrophy, IBS-type bowel changes, to name a few, food intolerance testing via IgG antibody blood testing can provide invaluable information. This test looks at 96 general foods, covering dairy, eggs, wheat/gluten, nuts, animal proteins, fruits, vegetables and more. I often use IgG Food Intolerance testing with children, from ages 2 years and older. Testing is easy to do at home with a finger-prick test kit, provided by the lab.

Cortisol Testing

Chronic stress affects our adrenal system, nervous system, gut health, nutrient absorption, and hormonal balance… just to name a few! At times I have clients who have been under such long-term, intense stress that adrenal based testing is useful for us to see where their adrenal hormones are at – are they still sitting in a high state of “fight and flight” or have they reached burnout? We look at cortisol levels at different points of the day, DHEA levels, testosterone and androstenedione and occasionally melatonin levels, too, to give me a clear picture of where your stress hormones are at and where we need to give you specific support. Cortisol profile testing is done via saliva, which is the most accurate way to measure our adrenal hormones.

Vaginal Microbiome

An easy at-home test that is often used for women experiencing recurrent vaginal complaints, including thrush, bacterial vaginosis, vaginitis or undiagnosed symptoms like unpleasant discharge, itch, pain with intercourse and more. This test provides a clear insight into the pathogenic species that can infect the vaginal microbiome and a breakdown of beneficial Lactobacillus species in the vagina, as well as providing an STI screen. The Vaginal Microbiome test helps to provide concrete answers for vaginal complaints and clear treatment plans for women to obtain positive outcomes.

Hair Mineral Analysis

This non-invasive test is used to understand heavy metal levels, biochemistry and deficiencies in key minerals such as magnesium, zinc, selenium, potassium and more. Heavy metals including mercury, arsenic, lead, cadmium, aluminium and more are all tested, and can give important insights into neurological conditions, mood disorders, infertility and neurodiversity in adults and children, particularly ADHD and ASD.

Nutrient Levels

Functional tests using samples from urine, blood and even saliva can be utilised to investigate all nutrient levels including iron, B12, iodine, vitamin D, omega 3 index, lipid profiles and more, plus genetic markers such as MTHFR. Comprehensive autoimmune assessments can also be done, looking into autoimmune conditions including rheumatoid arthritis, thyroid autoimmunity, lupus and more.

I endeavour to advocate for my clients with as much testing as possible via their GP or specialist so we can get it covered on Medicare, and this will always be discussed in consult with you. Some testing is unavailable on Medicare or simply not as comprehensive, and in these cases utilising the amazing avenue of private, functional testing in Australia is a great option.

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