Functional testing is integral to my clinical practice, allowing me to dig deep and uncover the root cause of health concerns and conditions.
A beautiful, intimate workshop for pregnant women, or women planning to conceive, brought to you by Naturopath Claire Luckman & childbirth educator & community doula Lulu Lucas.
School’s back and whether you’re a lunchbox lover or, like many of my mum-clients, the thought of packing them fills you with a sense of dread, I’ve got some tips on how to pack a healthy lunch for your toddler, primary-school kiddie or teen.
A beautiful, intimate workshop for pregnant women, or women planning to conceive, brought to you by Naturopath Claire Luckman & childbirth educator & community doula Lulu Lucas.
Any parent of young children knows how disheartening and downright frustrating it is to prepare and serve up a nutritious meal to their children only to be told it’s “yucky”, followed by a battle to see even the tiniest morsel make it down their throats! Every child will go through phases of fussy eating, however if your little one seems to fight you on every offering of food then try these tips to see if you can make meal time a little less stressful.